Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I loved this book!

The Time Travelers Wife...and Virgo Beemaiden just shared with me that it is currently being made into a movie. Normally, I am not a fan of love stories, but this love story was on a completely different level. Fantastic!

I am really bad with knowing who stars are, so I found this link. I can't imagine how the movie is going to be as nearly as good as the book, but hopefully it will.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Green light!

Remember John Meyer...he's that funny looking (think Edward Scissorhands, but not as cute as Johnny) singer who had hits ith "Your body is a wonderland" and the not quite optimistic but hopeful "Waiting on the World to Change." Celebrity trivia side note: He's dating Jessica Simpson-go figure!

Well he has a passion for blogging much like a few others we know and his latest entry sparked my interest. (It's a follow-up to my Earth Day post but wait...as he himself says...hear him out, this won't be painful at all!)

(Preface: Don't get turned off from reading this by any pre-conceived notions you have about the subject matter. I'll make you a deal. When something I write turns you off, then you can click the "x" button and go about your day.)
A year ago this month I wrote a song called "Waiting on the World to Change", in which I tried to express the feelings of helplessness that come with knowing what needs to change in the world but also knowing the futility of trying.
Since that song has been released, there has been one social issue I've kept particularly focused on, silently keeping notes in my mind about what needs to be fixed (and more constructively, how to go about fixing it) while hoping that someone else sharing my exact views would carry out the work without my ever getting involved.
Hey, I'm just being honest.
I'm talking about (see preface!) global warming. Wait! Don't move the mouse. Finger down. Please. Just give me a second. You can watch that video of a cat playing the piano in a few minutes. I just may surprise you with what I'm going to say.
In the "degree of difficulty" column, reversing the effects of global warming is a .5 out of a possible 10, at least in theory. You just get back by reversing the way you came. No accounting for a volatile political world stage, or clashing of belief structures. Just throw this bitch in reverse and we're home.
The trouble is, nobody has managed to come close to bringing this issue to you in a way that doesn't turn you off. At best, it's a bore, and at worst (toilet paper square accounting?) it's insulting to human autonomy.
It seems to me that when it comes to this issue, we've been given only two sides to pick from: side one says the future of global warming does not present a doomsday scenario, almost chuckling the matter aside. Side two says it is a dire issue (which it is), and then goes on to inundate side one with so many separate nakedly-scientific points that they make naivete' seem cozy by comparison.
So here I am, introducing a third side. A laid-back, panic free approach to environmentalism. One that believes the message of "An Inconvenient Truth" is sound, but that it's an incredibly un-fun name for a movie. A side free from the cry of hypocrisy, for it doesn't make sweeping promises. A side that drives an SUV on the way to the grocery store but then produces nylon mesh bags at the checkout line. A side that believes in bringing a change of perspective to our government but letting Carl Rove finish his meal first.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Fans and Friends, I submit to you a third way: Light Green.
No thinking about "offsetting your carbon footprint". No rallies. No brow-beating people who think the Earth just has a fever. Pick one thing to change this year, and keep the rest of your life the same. After all, the only message the charts with escalating red lines are meant to send is that the red lines have to stop escalating, not that hey have to drop to the bottom of the graph by next Tuesday.
Part of the Light Green approach will be the (attempted) introduction of products that are cheap, easy alternatives to cut down on plastics. In the next 90 days I'm going to see how many of these products I can get produced. If it works, great. If not, you'll at least have blogs to read. I'm going to make this one of the focus points of my blog for the next few months., and hopefully by summer there will be a few items at the merchandise stands that you might not have a problem switching to.
And to anybody ready to cut me down for this, here's my full disclosure: I drive a Porsche SUV, I still drink lots of bottled water, and I will be flying private charter several times during my summer tour. However, my bus has been converted to Bio-Diesel, and I'll be coming up with even more ways to adapt to the Light Green mentality before I set out for the summer.
Now go watch that guy getting nailed in the balls on YouTube, but think about it. It's all you've got to do in order to go Light Green.

If that sounds cool or even uncool but doable to you - please bookmark his blog and stick around for updates and suggestions for going "Light Green".
That wasn't so bad was it? Now f I could just figure out what he sees in that Jessica Simpson girl? (See photo above)
Oh yeah, now I remember!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Some people deserve to be caught. Like this idiotic high school girl who approached a school bus driver and asked if he had found her pot pipe. You could chalk this up to the fact that teenagers tend to be morons, but I don't think most would be that stupid (I know I wouldn't have). Well, unless it was packed. Maybe then I could understand. ;)

For some reason this story reminded me of how important it is to pay close attention to what words the speaker emphasizes before you answer a question. Example: "Do you smoke hash?" as opposed to "Do you smoke hash?"

How far we have come (or not)


If you follow the above link you will be treated to (horrified by) a slide show visual history of rascist advertising over the years. Some are so outrageous that it is hard to imagine the years when such ads were actually used by companies but others...exist today or existed during our lifetimes. (Except for some of you who make be young enough not to remember the 70/80's - for you guys piss off!)

Recognize "Uncle Ben" or "Aunt Jemima" anyone? They have each been family members of mine since my childhood so I didn't happen to notice their not-so-subtle image transformations over the past few decades. Funnt how things like this can go unnoticed.

Also, I grew up with a "Golliwog" doll that I cherished and lovingly referred to as "Garth" and when I recognized him here in this context I almost died. Thank goodness he was not one of the childhood relics that I passed down to my children...I don't know whatever happened to him. Maybe he took off one day with my talking Jimmy Walker pull string doll that said
"Dy-no-mite" ?? (Look it up, young-ens)

Interesting stuff.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So Excited!

The countdown is on, the smell of summer is in the air, and the pics are on the web! It is almost beach time and I can't wait. I look forward to this week ALL YEAR! The house we are renting is brand-spanking-new as in just completed this week and the new pictures are here. SWEET!

Monday, April 23, 2007


I know, I know...no wants wants a lecture but I have to share my joy at celebrating this year's earth day yesterday- Sunday, April 22.

You may have noticed (unless you live in a cave) that the day was beautiful, sunny and warm and as close to perfect as it gets around here in central PA. I spent most of the day with my youngest daughter outside in our yard/street picking up garbage, pulling weeds, planting seeds, and replanting flowers in pots for the porch.

It was also our plan to purchase some environmentally friendly products so, when we needed a break from all the "dirty work" we walked to the local grocery store and purchased somewhat expensive but environmentally-friendly household cleaning products and organic fruits and snack foods. (As always, we recycled). We also intended to buy some compact flourescent light bulbs but alas -the store did not carry them- and pileing into our car for the purpose of purchasing one small item would have blasphemed the whole purpose of Earth Day!!!!

We felt giddy...possibly from all the sun, but maybe from our good feelings that came from performing small actions (hopefully that will lead to bigger ones- we would like to begin composting, be more conscientious consumers, and eventually drive a hybrid car...) and maybe from the "warm-fuzzy" feelings of spending the day with someone we love!

I hope that you too enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend!!! Remember that each small action that you do to help preserve our beautiful planet contributes to more beautiful days like these! : )

To steal an idea from this weekend's SNL...." It's Earth Day so...in your face, Neptune!!!"

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gender Confusion

The Gender Genie thinks it can tell whether text you enter was written by a male or a female.

I tried one of Garrett’s posts (I used "So I broke out the Feisty Fawn yesterday..." because the Gender Genie supposedly works better if you enter at least 500 words of text. It thinks Garrett is female. I tried three of mine and it thought I was male twice. It was always right with Virgo Beemaiden and Shelley but I don’t think any of theirs were 500 words or more so those results are probably not valid.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Personality Type

I found a 4 factor personality test that I liked. I believe one of us may have posted something similar on another blog but I like to try out different ones to see if the result is the same. I think it's interesting that when I was younger my result on 4 factor tests was consistently INFP and for the past several years my result has been INTP. Apparently I've become more of a thinker than a feeler. Specifically my results on this test were: 76% introverted, 58% intuition, 47% thinking, and 82% perceiving. So I'm near the middle on the thinking-feeling continuum and the sensation-intuition continuum. I'm very high on perceiving. The description of perceivers stated, "Perceivers, on the other hand, rely on creativity, spontaneity, and responsiveness, rather than a plan or list, to get them through the day. They burn the midnight oil to meet deadlines, although they usually meet them. Perceivers like to turn work into play, because if a task is not fun, they reason, it is probably not worth doing."

That is so me.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Interesting first post on a new blog: Atheist's Wager. Got a lot of good discussion going.

Best places to get free books. Includes downloadable books as well as sites where you can trade books or read books online.

A longtime favorite of mine. Online jigsaw puzzles. There are a ton of different puzzles and you determine the level of difficulty. Good distraction for all ages.

Reasonably priced glasses delivered right to your door. Lots of different styles.

It's that time of year again. The hills are alive with the smell of semen. I'm referring to the flowering of Bradford Pear trees.

Proof that you're not killing any kittens. Now if you can just get all of that hair to stop growing on your hands you'll be set.

Smite your loved ones with the plague of your choice. (I love smiting!).

Find out your official air guitar stage name. I'm Sweet "Air Traffic Control" Adeline.

Well, I've successfully distracted myself from work for an hour or so. Guess I better get back to it. :(

Friday, April 13, 2007

Engrish Locks

I had to go on a work-related roadtrip today. The trip there was quick and uneventful. I would even call it pleasant. Not too much traffic. Good music. I even arrived in time to scope out a Starbucks before heading to my meeting (as many people know, being early - or even on time - is monumental for me). The return trip didn't go as well. First of all, I took a wrong turn before even getting a mile from the meeting place because I was on a work-related call (the post-meeting glass of Lambrusco had nothing to do with it). I realized before the turn was even complete that it was wrong (I hear Dr. Cox chiming "wrong-wrong wrong-wrong, wrong-wrong wrong-wrong"), but TOO LATE (now I hear Nicholas Cage in the Vampire's Kiss crazily chanting "too late, too late); there was no possible way to undo it. I was then stuck on the PA Turnpike for a half hour (what road only has exits every 30 miles for God's sake?!). There's no way off of the damn thing unless you want to drive through some cow pastures (which I did consider) and then who knows where the hell you would end up anyway. Could be reminiscent of Deliverance. I then discovered that my stupid driver's side window was broken. So I'm stopping at stupid toll booths paying stupid money to drive on a stupid road that I didn't even want to be on and having to open up my stupid door to get the stupid tickets and pay the stupid toll booth operators (okay, maybe money's not stupid). Not to mention how inconveniencing it is for a smoker to be unable to put the window down. I had to create an ashtray out of a SoBe bottle and put it in my console (as my ghetto-ass cup holders are not big enough to hold SoBe bottles). Because of the placement of my console, each time I flicked my ashes (which was many many times during the course of my 4-hour-but-should-have-been-2-hour trip home) I had to extend my arm in an unnatural and almost painful manner (thanks for the good back-cracking Toddy). Then I spilled my iced tea all over my favorite possessions (my cd's) and had to listen to the goddamn radio. Oh, and I almost forgot one of my favorite parts. This is a testament to how well my coping skills work. I stopped at a "service plaza" along the turnpike to look for a map because although I knew where I was and I was not lost persay I thought maybe I could find a faster way to get to my destination without having to turn around and go back the way I came. I went inside and was told that sometimes the Burger King sells maps. I approached the counter and two 2o-ish women asked if they could help me. I asked if they had any maps. One of them said "what kind of maps?" I answered, "well any kind of maps." The other of the two asked, "A turnpike map or a Pennsylvania map?" I said "either would be fine". They both then stated that they had no maps at all. I fought back the urge to ask, "then why did you engage me in this conversation? A simple no would have sufficed. No. No maps. We have NO MAPS". They could have even said "we don't have any fucking maps" and that would have been better. But I remained calm, continued on my map quest, and eventually found my way home. But I have decided it was all worth it as I learned of an amusing website on the trip (that and I found another Starbucks along the turnpike - I can sniff those suckers out anywhere. I'm actually still enjoying my grande decaf extra-hot no-whip mocha as I type).

Anyhoo, you should check out engrish.com. As I understand it, Asian languages are the most difficult languages to translate to English. According to the FAQ, Engrish is a collection of humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.

Good thing I wasn't on my way to the bathroom when I took that wrong turn:

And in case you were wondering, the President sticks to black curry made with bouillions of pain. And he likes it. Wonder where I can get some of those bouillions. There are a few people I'd like to cook for.

You can buy Engrish merchandise too.

I don't know why I find it so funny. Ever since Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles I've found the way Asian people talk funny. This is probably getting me one more step closer to hell. Speaking of hell, if you're wondering what circle you're going to, you can find out here. I'm a lustful heretic apparently and (not for nothing...using the art of math) I will be spending eternity in the second level of hell.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

They read my mind!!!

Are you ever driving down the street, completely lost, and find yourself thinking, “I wish there was a semi-psychotic character actor here who could tell me the right way to reach my destination!” Well today is your lucky day, because thanks to the wonderful makers of the TomTom Navtones GPS navigation system, Gary Busey will provide you with straightforward turn-by-turn directions to anywhere you could possibly want to drive. This is a product after our own hearts, because who WOULDN’T want to enjoy the spine-chilling rantings of a total lunatic on their way to the movie theater? Do not do yourself the disservice of failing to listen to the laugh-out-loud outtakes, on which Gary free-associates his terrifying thoughts on subjects ranging from road kill to nude butter churning. Buckle up, kiddies!

Monday, April 09, 2007

This damn blog....

Testing to see if we can continue posting....