Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cindy McCain

I know this a low blow, especially for a pro-feminism woman such as myself, and I could certainly take way better shots at McCain but this was so funny I had to share!!!!

(If for no other reason that Garrett loves that I post unoriginal stuff to the blog instead of writing lengthy and witty discourse myself!)

"The Top 8 Women Unsexier Than Sarah Jessica Parker

8. Cindy McCain. Take a look at this possible first lady’s face...

Some might find her pretty. I, on the other hand, am hiding my firstborn in a locked safe until the election is over. Because, and you heard it here first, Cindy McCain (might) eat babies, specifically, your baby."

This is all courtesy of "best week ever". PS Let's hope Obama beats all their asses out of the water!!!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Feeling like a brazilian?

I doubt that I will go see the new movie "Teeth" (in theatres now) though I find it's premise hilarious....

a girl with a killer hoo-ha equipt with teeth and all! It reminds me a book from my mother's "room of both vaguely and outright disturbing books" where some sort of alien female mates with a human male and although his "manhood" never actually comes back out...something much nastier actually does!!!!

(Ladies...remember the word for it? We said it all the time...Remember?)

Well, so I came across this movie "tribute" article on imdb and thought it was completely appropriate (at least for those movies in the list I have seen).


Enjoy! (And perhaps have a cigarette afterwards)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Can't Wait for Wine Fest!!!!!

February is over and even though today appears to be a little warmer and dryer than recent days- it is still winter. : (

I don't know about you but I need something to look forward to....

My boss just approved my vacation time for the beach today (yeah!!!!!) and if it ever stops snowing maybe the kids will be done with school in time to actually go to the beach!!!! I love the beach...LOVE IT...but for some reason my mind keeps drifting towards the wine festival, which actually comes about a month later.


Maybe it's because I skipped it last year, or maybe it's just because my girlfriends make it so special, but I can't wait to eat, drink and be merry (and maybe not in that order)!!!!

Until then, please join me in the countdown until Spring!