Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Getting My Vote 2....Choices, Choices...

I like it when I have a choice...

John Edwards joins presidential race
Senator who ran in 2004 bidding for Democratic nomination, campaign says

Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards is running for president for a second time, his campaign said Wednesday. NBC News confirmed the senator’s intention to run.

I really liked John Edwards when he was a presidential candidate in the 2004 primaries. I really like Barack Obama now. I guess I have some time to decide who I think will do the best job.

Monday, December 25, 2006

I couldn't have said it better myself

It's a free country (in theory). We should be able to celebrate the holidays the way we want to without being criticized. I'm not sure if Jesus was a prophet, a savior, or just a good guy...but I'm confident that he wasn't a judger. I know Christmas has become very commercial, but I love the lights, the music, the presents, the decorations, the holiday cheer, the gingerbread lattes, Santa, spending time with loved ones...not to mention the booze and cookies. I say live and let live. Make room for Jesus and Santa on Christmas. If you want to.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A novel idea

Parenting as therapy for child's mental disorders. More time, energy, and money needs to be put into teaching parents how to help children with mental health problems. Many parents are against giving their children medication and with good reason. Unfortunately, "insurers as a rule do not fully cover behavior modification therapies because they cost substantially more than drugs." If you measure cost in dollars, I guess this is true. However, parents may believe that exposing their children to the long and short term risks and effects of meds is a higher cost. They should have alternatives. I've seen cases in which children with ADHD were denied coverage of behavioral treatment solely because their parents refused to put them on meds. Insurance companies and the government should not be able to coerce parents into making such decisions. But maybe we're making some progress: "the increasing number of studies that support family-based behavioral treatment is shifting perceptions."
(Disclaimer: I am absolutely not anti-meds. Some children (as well as adults) need medication. There are times when the risks of taking meds are far outweighed by the improvement in quality of life that can come from taking them. I just think that meds are overused and that people should have alternatives).

Special Treat in a Box

Censored SNL sketch jumps bleepless onto the internet. The nearly three-minute digital film, shown on “Saturday Night Live” last Saturday, was a parody of two boy-band singers (including one played by the real Justin Timberlake) crooning a holiday song about making a gift to their girlfriends of their male anatomy, which they appeared to have wrapped in boxes (strategically placed) and then topped with bows. It is the first scripted comedy on a broadcast network to use the Web to make an end run around the prying eyes of its censors. The skit was pretty funny even censored. If you missed it, you can catch the uncensored version on YouTube

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Free tv

Check this shit out. You can watch just about anything you want on this site.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I don't hate this idea...

Really...I think it has a lot of merit.

WP: 10 friends live secondhand for a year - Voluntary simplicity also sparks a backlash

SAN FRANCISCO - In the living room, the group gathers to share inspirational stories about the joy of finding just the right previously owned shower curtain. To the uninitiated, these people appear almost normal, at least in a San Francisco kind of way. But upon closer inspection, you see it: Nothing in this house, nothing on their bodies, none of their products -- nothing is new. Everything is used. For these people, recycling wasn't enough. Composting wasn't a challenge anymore. No, they wanted much more of much less.

Attention holiday shoppers! These people haven't bought anything new in 352 days -- and counting. These 10 friends vowed last year not to purchase a single new thing in 2006 -- except food, the bare necessities for health and safety (toilet paper, brake fluid) and, thankfully, underwear, and maybe socks (they're still debating whether new socks are okay). Everything else they bought secondhand. They bartered or borrowed. Recycled. Re-gifted. Reused. Where? Thrift stores and swap meets, friends and Dumpsters, and the Internet, from Craigslist to the Freecycle Network, which includes 3,843 communities and 2.8 million members giving away stuff to one another. Read more here.

I can't imagine doing it with my current family situation, work schedule and life style...but I think it is interesting. When cleaning out my house, closet, kids closet, I have always dreaded "throwing something away"... It gave me soooo much guilt. Working toys, nice clothes, furniture I hated to just discard what I knew someone, some where needed and would be grateful to have. Personally I would much rather donate useful clothes, items and toys to the American Rescue Workers than just pitch them in the trash. (Actually, just this weekend I pulled out a Carter's outfit that Todd threw in trash. Allison had out grown it...so he was tossing it. It was in great condition...so I saved it to donate or sell in a yard sale.)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Groovy way to listen to music

Check out musicovery

I can't help it...I like Jay-Z

From Rolling Stone:

Why is Jay-Z one of this year’s most fascinating people? Here are five reasons one can deduce from this snippet of Barbara Walters’ interview with Jay-Z for her 10 Most Fascinating People segment.

  • He believes hop-hop guys can and should act like adults.
  • He understands the code of the street.
  • He used to write beats by banging on the kitchen table as a kid.
  • When Barbara Walters asks him if Beyonce is “bootylicious” he neither mocks nor smacks her.
I realize there are only 4 reasons there. Rolling Stone writers can't count apparently. Or maybe not mocking Barbara is reason number 4 and not smacking her is reason number 5. Anyway...

Here's the interview.

I love his new song. Here's the AMA performance.

Friday, December 08, 2006

How do I figure... Percentages

Yeah, I know. Everyone was supposed to learn how to do this in elementary school. But a surprising number of people (ME) remain stumped by percentages. So here is a calculator to keep you (ME) from making an embarassing mistake.

Cool site for kids - Your Amazing Body

Have your kids always wanted to know more about your body and how it works? Then check this out! You'll be amazed when you find out how your ears hear, how much your brain weighs, how many bones you have, and more

Better Safe than Sorry!

ASPCA HOLIDAY SAFETY ALERT: THE FINAL WORD ON POINSETTIAS: Attention, poinsettia-loving pet owners! You need not fear this festive holiday plant—rumors of its toxic potential are greatly exaggerated, say ASPCA experts.

As our toxicologists at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) explain, poinsettias were first brought to the United States in the 1820s by J. Robert Poinsett, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico at the time. The myth of the plant’s toxicity began when the two-year-old child of a U.S. Army officer allegedly died from eating a poinsettia leaf.

Says the APCC’s Dana B. Farbman, CVT, “In reality, ingestions typically produce only mild to moderate gastrointestinal tract irritation in pets, which may include drooling, vomiting and diarrhea.” So while it’s still a good idea to keep this plant out of your pets’ reach to avoid stomach upset, you need not banish it from your homes.
For additional holiday safety tips, please visit ASPCA online.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My New Car!!!!

Check this out! This car was named especially for me, "The original Hellion". Unfortunately, I want my next car to be a hybrid if at all possible and I probably could never afford a concept car even one from Hyundai.

Hyundai Debuts Hellion Concept

by Mike Meredith
The latest concept vehicle from Hyundai's California Design Studio: an aggressive, compact three-door sport crossover.

South Korea-based Hyundai has established a solid track record of interesting concept vehicles from the Hyundai Design Center in California. The latest concept, the HCD10 Hyundai Hellion, will add to that reputation.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Best @%$#@^ game ever!!!

Snood !!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

No wonder...

...life expectancies are so short in some countries. While I am all for recycling, energy conservation, and limiting pollution, I wouldn't recommend these situations!