Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Monday, January 30, 2006

Killing Time...

Bored at work? Tired of surfing the web for the millionth time today? Try this (my kids love it).

An online puzzle site. Competitive? Time yourself and compare against the millions who kicked your butt at completing the puzzle.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Doncha need a good laugh?

Dane Cook is hosting SNL tonight. It is a repeat. Well worth an hour and a half of your time. The monologue is hilarious. He's a funny guy (and hot). Jim doesn't like him -- further evidence of his greatness. Check Dane out: www.danecook.com

Next week, SNL will be hosted by Steve Martin with musical guest (drum roll please)...PRINCE! If we're lucky maybe Dan Ackroyd will make an appearance and we'll get to revisit some characters from the good old days. And maybe Prince will wear those buttless pants, yummy.

Friday, January 27, 2006

"To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...."

Wow! A web site all about me....


SHELLEY: tired, sleepy, exhausted, annoyed, asleep, beat, beat up, bored, broken-down, burned out, collapsing, consumed, distressed, dog-tired, done for, done in, drained, drooping, droopy, drowsy, empty, enervated, exasperated, fagged, faint, fatigued, fed up, finished, flagging, haggard, irked, irritated, jaded, narcoleptic, overtaxed, overworked, petered out, played out, pooped, pooped out, prostrated, run-down, sick of, sleepy, spent, stale, tuckered out, wasted, weary, whacked, worn, worn out

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps. ~Author Unknown

O bed! O bed! delicious bed!That heaven upon earth to the weary head.~Thomas Hood, Miss Kilmansegg - Her Dream

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap. ~Carrie Snow

Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds. ~JoJo Jensen, Dirt Farmer Wisdom, 2002

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The End Of The World As We Know It....

In fifth grade I read an SRA card (remember those?) about the lemming suicide phenomena and I have loved lemmings ever since. They make a wonderful sarcastic mascot! But sometimes you learn that the world as you knew it was all a lie. LIES....ALL LIES....

"One myth deeply entrenched in our language is that of the "Lemming Suicide Plunge" - where lemmings, apparently overcome by deep-rooted impulses, deliberately run over a cliff in their millions, to be dashed to their deaths on the rocks below, or to drown in the raging ocean. Indeed, this myth is now a metaphor for the behaviour of crowds of people who foolishly follow each other, lemming-like, regardless of the consequences." http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/lemmings.htm

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I thought it might be good to start off with a gratitude journal of sorts. Life can be tough and I feel it's important to periodically take a moment to count your blessings. So, here are the top 5 things I'm grateful for:

1. My TiVo

2. The genius who invented TiVo

3. Kelley and Garrett for recommending TiVo

4. Garrett for setting up my TiVo

TiVo has had a profound effect on my life. Why should some network executives who I don't even know get to decide when I can watch the shows I enjoy? (Yes I do have a problem with authority). I now have complete control over my time and my life. Better than therapy (coming from a therapist that means a lot). They're having some great specials right now: http://www.tivo.com/2.0.1.asp

Oh and I almost forgot:
5. Magic Eraser: http://www.homemadesimple.com/sites/en_US/mrclean/products/duo.shtml

I wonder if Monica had used Magic Eraser on that dress would things be different in our country right now?

Alright Garrett you talked me into it. I don't know what the hell I'm going to write about but I guess I'll find something. I have a full schedule of tennis viewing this week though, so I won't have much else on my mind.

Year in Review

I just love Jib Jab... they are some funny guys!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

After Much Protest...I'm Here!

Decided to join the game...probably only temporarily.