Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Monday, October 29, 2007

interested in new music?

It's disgusting! I heard several reviews of Britney Spear's new album this morning on the radio while on my way to work and they are saying that it's actually VERY GOOD! Now, you all may know that although I am in NO WAY a fan of Miss White Trash-no panties- absent parent- crack whore-Spears I still manage to know a lot about her weekly activities because I follow celebrity trivia (no I have no idea why) on E and on celebrity gossip blogs and for some reason this bitch still makes news.

I think that if she can make even a half-decent pop/rock/dance album it just speaks to the fact that girlfriend can afford the best music producers that the biz can buy and further proves that she's still a talentless hack! And now that her looks are gone what does she have to offer the american public except a cautionary tale for show biz parents?

Does this mean that we will be subjected to more of her pointless breathy crap music ("Gimme more"? I think not!) ? Argh!!!!! Now all I need is for Paris to release another album and I'll be ready to give up the radio altogether! I think perhaps there should be some kind of an entrance exam for recording artists- neither of them could pass it. : )

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Can't sleep- Argh!!!!

It's been quite a while since I have danced with my old dear friend, Insomnia. No, not the book (which I didn't care much for) by Stephen King and no, not that movie with Robin Williams, Hillary Swank, and Al Pacino (which, with such a talented cast was quite a disappointment) . I just mean I plain old CAN"T F(%^KING SLEEP.

I know it's stress and I also know that it's due to a stressful situation which I am powerless to correct at this time so I guess I just have to ride the wave. My immune system is on the fritz and I feel like something big (and possibly ominous) is coming down the pike. Also, I am currently vacillating between mania and depression (bipolar much?) and have been starting to dwell on irrational thoughts such as the end of days (coming soon- 2012!) and the effects of global warming leading to anarchy and a war over water. I keep wondering if I should prepare for the coming apocalypse or just keep drinking so as not to mind it when it gets here. I haven't decided yet.

Just so you know...my old friend, Crazy, usually soon follows his pal, Insomnia, (or is he here already?)...so you might want to keep an eye on me or at least hide the sharp objects for awhile. I am greatly exaggerating on that last bit but seriously you never know the powerful effect of a lack of sleep until you've experienced it.

I'm only going on three nights and look at me already- weeee!

As a final note...I've been noticing references to a trend in art, design, and pop culture called "sinister cute" and aside from its anime origins I like it. It looks familiar (like those girls who where black nailpolish and then draw like nuns-right Gwenn?) It reminds me also of the "Gashlycrumb Tinies" and Nightmare before Christmas and Little Apple Dolls and all of those other "sick" things I am drawn to for some twisted reason. I would hyperlink to those references if I knew how to do that but I don't so ...happy googling if you are interested!

Well, it's 4:20 AM so I'm off to the kitchen to wash some dishes and make some tea. (Groan)