Monday, March 03, 2008

Can't Wait for Wine Fest!!!!!

February is over and even though today appears to be a little warmer and dryer than recent days- it is still winter. : (

I don't know about you but I need something to look forward to....

My boss just approved my vacation time for the beach today (yeah!!!!!) and if it ever stops snowing maybe the kids will be done with school in time to actually go to the beach!!!! I love the beach...LOVE IT...but for some reason my mind keeps drifting towards the wine festival, which actually comes about a month later.

Maybe it's because I skipped it last year, or maybe it's just because my girlfriends make it so special, but I can't wait to eat, drink and be merry (and maybe not in that order)!!!!

Until then, please join me in the countdown until Spring!


Blogger sweet adeline said...

Beach definitely trumps school. Screw school. The man cannot tell your kids they can't go to the beach dammit. I forbid it.

Can't wait for the beach and the winefest!

3/03/2008 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

February is a god awful month and I'm glad to be rid of it!

I totally need something to look forward to. Since my hopes of going on a vacation continually get stomped on...I've pretty much come to the sad conclusion that it's just not going to happen. Unless, of course, I just run off by myself and throw caution to the wind. But I'm probably just kidding myself.... I'm a big 'fraidy-cat.

Sigh. I wish someone would approve vacation time for me.... last year and this year. (sniff, sniff)

Other than just looking forward to warm weather and swimming in the creek...I am totally looking forward to the wine fest! It's going to be a great time! Also, I can't wait to have our annual creek party (probably will be held the end of July).

Spring cannot come soon enough!


3/04/2008 3:18 PM  

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