Lemming Thoughts on Parade

Friday, September 29, 2006

I learn something new every day- Dirty Sanchez

Aparently, this term has something to do with a new celebrity sex tape video starring that guy who played "Screech" on saved by the bell...

Dirty Sanchez, a "moustache" made primarily of fecal matter, applied by the finger or penis of one's sexual partner.
It is performed by sticking one's finger (or other object) in one partner's rectum and then swiping a line of feces under the nose, making a "moustache."
The Dirty Sanchez is a popular turn of phrase, appearing in a variety of pop culture references including the name of a bar in the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. The bar's mascot was an apparently hispanic woman with a moustache. Another popular reference is in The Aristocrats joke. Also in The 40 Year Old Virgin, the character Mooj makes a reference to the Dirty Sanchez while talking to Andy.


I learn something new every day- Dirty Sanchez

Aparently, this term has something to do with a new celebrity sex tape video starring that guy who played "Screech" on saved by the bell...

Dirty Sanchez, a "moustache" made primarily of fecal matter, applied by the finger or penis of one's sexual partner.
It is performed by sticking one's finger (or other object) in one partner's rectum and then swiping a line of feces under the nose, making a "moustache."
The Dirty Sanchez is a popular turn of phrase, appearing in a variety of pop culture references including the name of a bar in the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. The bar's mascot was an apparently hispanic woman with a moustache. Another popular reference is in The Aristocrats joke. Also in The 40 Year Old Virgin, the character Mooj makes a reference to the Dirty Sanchez while talking to Andy.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

WOW! We Can SOOO Relate!!

I was perusing one of my favorite news sites, The Onion, and came across a news article that Todd x 2, Missi and I can soooooo relate to. Crack Dealer Only Tenant Landlord Can Depend On For Rent http://www.theonion.com/content/node/53191

I think in our situation though, the headline would read. Winewhore Only Tenant Landlords Can Depend On For Rent.

Our Other Forum...

Our other blog, http://3furies.blogspot.com/ is up and running. And G, the comments should be enabled again....

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gross you all out!

Remember my previous favorite song, Sexy Back? Well I just gotta say this new song seems even catchier....

SecretSauce.TV, the website that brought you the fake trailer for "Snakes on Claire Danes," is back with "HairyBack" -- a parody of, you guessed it, JT's "SexyBack." The music video -- which lists the song as being on the fake album "FutureScalp/CombSounds" -- depicts a couple of very hairy men singing about (what else?) hair while dancing with a couple of sexy women. The song begins with:

I'm bringing hairy back (Yeah!)
Girls love my fur and that's a fact (Yeah!)
My fur's as long as a kayak (Yeah!)
It's more hypnotic than a Rorshach (Test!)

The rest of the track goes on more of the same, with our lead singer expounding upon the virtues of hair:
Hairless babe, you see these follicles and you're my slave.
I'll let you comb them if you misbehave.
Just never ask me if I wanna shave.
(Don't take him to the barber!)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What the...?

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." is a grammatically correct sentence. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

Time travel

This guy claims to be a time traveler from 2036. He said he was a soldier who was sent here on an assignment to bring back an IBM computer that had some secret capacity that they needed in his time. He was posting for about 4 months from 2000--2001, then he said he was going back to the future and he disappeared. This website contains all of his posts, including pictures of his time travel machine, the operations manual, and predictions about the future. Interesting if nothing else.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Simpsonater

I haven't really watched the Simpsons in years but thought this looked fun!!!!


Monday, September 04, 2006

Too Much Fun to Resist...

Now, who of us can say that they haven't done funny/horrible things to friends and family when they were in a blissful state of sleep (or alcohol induced sleep)? Think: "Why do you paint me like a barbie doll?" and poor first-timers "napping" at the beach house....

Well, this site has combined this age-old pastime with more available and furry victims. I am soooooo tempted.....


Saturday, September 02, 2006

And a related topic...

Check this out:

I don't even know what to say about it. Interesting to say the least

Friday, September 01, 2006

Looking for a Little Fun?

Because I lead a relatively sheltered life, I have only just been turned on to this fantastic event! My guess is that the wine festival weekend would PALE in comparison as to the trouble we could get ourselves into here..... http://www.burningman.com/

Learn the history of the festival here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Man

I say we get our hands on an RV and start driving NOW!! Okay, okay, maybe we should wait til next year.....

Kelley and Garrett may be interested in the "Alternative Energy Zone, the largest Village, which forbids use of fossil fuel to generate power during the event and encourages and innovates in the use of alternative energy to provide the luxuries of home such as amplified music, lights, and vehicles. http://www.ae-zone.org/. "

Hey Lemmings!

It's too early on a Friday morning for me to think of something clever to say but I'm here now. And for the record I currently have "SexyBack" going through my head like crazy! (Kick it to the chorus)