Monday, April 23, 2007


I know, I wants wants a lecture but I have to share my joy at celebrating this year's earth day yesterday- Sunday, April 22.

You may have noticed (unless you live in a cave) that the day was beautiful, sunny and warm and as close to perfect as it gets around here in central PA. I spent most of the day with my youngest daughter outside in our yard/street picking up garbage, pulling weeds, planting seeds, and replanting flowers in pots for the porch.

It was also our plan to purchase some environmentally friendly products so, when we needed a break from all the "dirty work" we walked to the local grocery store and purchased somewhat expensive but environmentally-friendly household cleaning products and organic fruits and snack foods. (As always, we recycled). We also intended to buy some compact flourescent light bulbs but alas -the store did not carry them- and pileing into our car for the purpose of purchasing one small item would have blasphemed the whole purpose of Earth Day!!!!

We felt giddy...possibly from all the sun, but maybe from our good feelings that came from performing small actions (hopefully that will lead to bigger ones- we would like to begin composting, be more conscientious consumers, and eventually drive a hybrid car...) and maybe from the "warm-fuzzy" feelings of spending the day with someone we love!

I hope that you too enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend!!! Remember that each small action that you do to help preserve our beautiful planet contributes to more beautiful days like these! : )

To steal an idea from this weekend's SNL...." It's Earth Day your face, Neptune!!!"


Blogger Unknown said...

Great post Virgo!
The weekend was so beautiful, I spent both days working outside in the glorious sunshine!

I'm glad to hear your enthusiasm about learning to live "greener" and doing what you can to make a difference. A little bit goes a long way, especially if everyone does a little bit. Like the lady said on Oprah, just using one less napkin even helps.

Everyone can do little things like that and it doesn't cost anything. Or use less paper towels and only buy the ones which are made from recycled material. I know that Marcal makes recycled paper towels, I've seen them at Weis (napkins also). Buy recycled trash bags, make sure you recycle your plastic grocery bags, etc. (Better yet, take your own bags to the store...I plan to purchase my bags this week from

Every little action does make a difference!

4/23/2007 10:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually I decided to by my reusable grocery bags from instead.

4/23/2007 10:46 AM  
Blogger Garrett said...

Very positive...In your face, Neptune indeed!

4/24/2007 8:29 PM  

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