Sunday, April 15, 2007


Interesting first post on a new blog: Atheist's Wager. Got a lot of good discussion going.

Best places to get free books. Includes downloadable books as well as sites where you can trade books or read books online.

A longtime favorite of mine. Online jigsaw puzzles. There are a ton of different puzzles and you determine the level of difficulty. Good distraction for all ages.

Reasonably priced glasses delivered right to your door. Lots of different styles.

It's that time of year again. The hills are alive with the smell of semen. I'm referring to the flowering of Bradford Pear trees.

Proof that you're not killing any kittens. Now if you can just get all of that hair to stop growing on your hands you'll be set.

Smite your loved ones with the plague of your choice. (I love smiting!).

Find out your official air guitar stage name. I'm Sweet "Air Traffic Control" Adeline.

Well, I've successfully distracted myself from work for an hour or so. Guess I better get back to it. :(


Blogger Unknown said...

I love the Atheist's Wager!!!

My air guitar stage name is:
Kelley "Fretless" Socling

4/17/2007 3:27 PM  

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