Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I hate coming up with titles

I just don't have much to say these days. I had a relatively uneventful week. Most everything funny that has happened to me occurred in the presence of most of the people who read this. Maybe I need to quit hanging out with you people so I have something to write about that you haven't also experienced. I did spend an evening in a coworker's basement drinking beer with the "siding guy" who came to do an estimate for hanging drywall in her basement. She and my other coworker had been raving for weeks about how hot he is and they convinced me to show up at estimate time to have a look. We three women sat staring at him, elbows on our knees, hands under our chins, acting as if we were hanging on every word of his captivating stories about construction work and hunting. This went on for a couple of hours before he finally did the estimate. I'm surprised he hung around. I think I may have been a little frightened if I were him...stuck in a basement with 3 tipsy salivating women, at least one of which hasn't seen any action for a couple of months (me). I felt like we were the Witches of Eastwick, towards the end of the movie, when they take over. Or remember that Seinfeld (the Butter Shave) where Kramer bakes himself in butter in the sun and Newman likes the smell of a cooked Kramer and begins to see a turkey when he looks at Kramer and goes after him with silverware (I find that everything in my life can be connected to either Seinfeld or Scrubs)? I think maybe we resembled that. It was pathetic, seriously, but I couldn't really think of anything better to do at the time.

And some of you may not know that now the youngsters of our group have started trying to get me laid in a futile attempt to keep me from moving. Shelley's cousin John showed up towards the end of our Memorial Day party. We grown ups were out at the fire and the children were inside watching a movie. John went in the house and was interrogated by the children,who gave him an oral test to make him prove he was a relative (he apparently had never met any of them). He then asked the kids where their parents were. The twelve year old said " they're up at the campfire. You should go up there because our single friend is up there. You should date her because we don't want her to move back to Maryland". Didn't work anyhow.

I have some upcoming events to look forward to. Maybe something exciting will happen that will inspire me. But most of you will be at most of these events anyhow. I'm in a wedding on July 7th. My friend in Maryland happens to be in a wedding that day also. So the following weekend I am going to go to her house and we are going to wear our pretty dresses, drink "tea", and play croquet like naughty princesses. I bought a big hat for the occasion and I think I am going to get some opera gloves as well. Should be a grand time.

Anyway, I have some links I can hook you up with until I come up with some other sort of inspiration.

I haven't read this yet but it looks cool. A serial horror story that gets updated every Halloween.

Who would have thought that in his second coming Christ would take the form of a Hammerhead Shark?

Here's a great story that I found to be quite inspirational. This woman has been playing "what would happen if..." since she was a child. In a recent round she discovers what happens if you buy 25 bottles of Nyquil. We really need to start playing this game. We should come up with a list on the way to the beach and see what we can discover.

Billy Graham tells us why being a good person just isn't good enough. I thought he was dead, anyhow? Nevermind, that's Jerry Falwell. I can't keep those televangelist bastards straight.

Remember that magazine, Cracked? You know, as a kid you thought it was a second-rate version of MAD Magazine? Well, I hadn't thought about it for years until I was surfing around the other day and came across a link. There's actually some funny stuff on the site. For instance, here's a list of useful Italian phrases. You should look around once you get there. I found several articles that had me in fits.


Blogger Garrett said...

Eclectic post!

5/30/2007 6:59 PM  
Blogger sweet adeline said...

Thank you. My life in general is pretty eclectic.

5/30/2007 7:08 PM  

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