Saturday, October 28, 2006

Where are we living?

Dixie Chicks film ad causes another dust-up

I feel like letting off a string of expletives, Garrett style. Not that I'm a big Dixie Chicks fan or anything but aren't we supposed to be entitled to free speech in this country? Sad that a public figure can't voice an opinion without fear of a backlash. Individuals choosing not to buy Dixie Chicks' music because they disagree is one thing -- that's also free speech. But for a corporation such as NBC to decide that they are not going to air their commercials is unAmerican. What a bunch of cowards. While they're at it, maybe they should just put the government in charge of programming and let them have control of what's aired. Our forefathers would be appalled. Shouldn't we get to choose what we see? If we don't like it, we can change the channel. I think we should all boycott NBC. Their programming sucks anyway. (I won't however be boycotting the CW. I have to watch America's Next Top Model).

Here's a fitting quote I stole from Garrett:

To announce there must be no criticism of the President, and to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, it is morally treasonous to the American public.

Theodore Roosevelt


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